
Welcome to 4-H!

What is 4-H?

  • 4-H is a youth program for kids where they can explore different topics, ideas, or activities that spark their interests.

Who can join 4-H?

  • 4-H is for kids of almost any age!
    • Clover Kids- Grades K-2 (more information about Clover Kids, Click here)
    • 4-H Members- 3rd-12th graders (8 years old before September 1st)

How much does it cost?

  • You can join 4-H for $25 or less!

What do I do once I am in 4-H?

The 4-H experience is combination of two things: PROJECTS and CLUBS.

    1. Click here on “What is 4-H Project” to find out exactly what a 4-H project can be.
      • In 4-H, the activities are organized by topics and called ‘projects.’
      • All 4-H members must be enrolled in at least one project.
      • When you choose a project, you will learn everything there is to know about that topic. You will participate in various hands-on activities, learn new skills, do community service, or even make speeches about your project!
      • How to choose your 4-H project:
        • Select a project you like.
        • Select a project that can be completed.
        • Consider the money and time it will take. Can parents/guardians help?
        • Consider the space and equipment that you have at home.
        • A 4-H project should be fun, serve a purpose, and be worth the effort.
        • Select only the number of projects you can complete.
        • Contact your local county club to see which projects are offered where you live.
    1. You can find a list of projects here: https://texas4-h.tamu.edu/projects/
  • CLUBS:
    1. Next you will find your club!
      • Clubs are the best way to make new friendships that will last a lifetime!
        • Clubs are where youth meet others in 4-H, have a chance to develop leadership skills, and learn to serve others in their communities.
        • Clubs are a great way to find others who have common interests, similar projects, and who can help you as you begin your 4-H journey.

Where do I signup?

Now What?

  • Now that you have picked your project(s) and found your club, it’s time to explore!
  • Exploring may be done at club meetings, at workshops, or at home… it’s up to you!
  • Check out the General 4-H Calendar to see if anything peeks your interest

Who can I contact for more information?

Contact the Wilson County AgriLife Extension Office for more information!

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